A bus tour involves long journeys, when you get from one place to another, you often have nothing to do. If the road takes several hours, it can seem tedious. We offer you a few options for what you can do on the road not to be bored. Some of them are designed to relax, others, on the contrary, require concentration. If you want you can make the most time-consuming trip by bus really exciting. On such trips should not be limited to sleep and contemplation of the scenery opening behind the window. “Bus” leisure can be quite diverse – let’s list the most interesting options that will not allow you to get bored. Some even manage to make bets on the road, to play at online casinos https://onlinecasinozonder.nl/. It all depends on your interests.
The answer to the question, what to do on the bus? – is simple, you can use your free time to study. This option is suitable not only for students. You can, for example, gather information on a topic of interest for further promotion or a change of profession. Someone is interested in how to do hair, and someone the new trends in creating manicures.
If traveling by bus is boring – try reading. An interesting book is sure to be found. You can take a paper edition with you on the road or download an electronic version. A long road is the perfect time to reread your favorite work or get acquainted with a new one, recommended by friends, someone from the family or a colleague.
Playing on your phone
Many people like to play on their phones while on the road. The main thing is to have a place to charge it, so that at the most inopportune moment you won’t be without a connection. Some people like to play solitaire, while others prefer complex games. This bus leisure option is ideal for young travelers, but sometimes older people don’t mind playing on the phone.

Watching a movie or TV series
Traveling by bus is great for watching a movie or TV series. Many vehicles have a small TV in the cabin – ask the driver to turn on something interesting. But there is no guarantee that the movie will be to your liking. It is better to download something to your tablet in advance.
Bus tour gives you the opportunity to dream, to be given to pleasant thoughts. Many are on the way begin to imagine that they arrived at their destination – splashing in the sea, sunbathing, or sightseeing. Another good option is to start planning your next trip. Try to focus on good thoughts, and the time will fly by quickly.
Most travelers don’t mind sleeping on the road. They use the trip to rest and arrive at their destination full of energy. Sleeping on the bus does not work for everyone, but if the road is long, you can take a nap at least a few hours. Once you arrive at your destination, you won’t have to waste time sleeping, and you can go straight to business or sightseeing after checking into the hotel.
Listen to music
Listening to music will help you relax on the road. Download a few songs on the phone in advance and do not forget to take headphones, so as not to disturb others. While on the road, you can listen to music and look out the window.

Some people manage to draw on the road. This desire usually appears in people with artistic skills. They capture on paper, what they see out the window and during stops. It can be a sketch or an idea for a big picture. The main thing is not to forget to bring sheets of paper and pencils. Drawing is a leisure activity that is sure to appeal to children. Thanks to this activity the kids will be less cranky on the road.
If possible, try to work on the road. This option is suitable for those who did not have time to finish something before the trip and do not want to waste time. On the road you can finish a project, make a plan for upcoming events, write several articles. The work on the road is unlikely to be fruitful, but you can do something.
Get acquainted with fellow travelers
Many travelers are eager to get acquainted with fellow travelers, communicate with them on various topics. This is a great opportunity to make new friends, especially if it’s a tourist trip. The earlier the meeting takes place, the greater the chance that the trip will be interesting.